- 50%

Wooden vlažilec zraka

Relax your mind and humidify the room, while the humidifier will conjure up a wonderful atmosphere.

14,99 29,90

Izberite količino izdelkov in prihranite
11x 14,99 / kos22x 12,99 / kos33x 11,99 / kos

Barva: Svetlo rjava

Naročite zdaj in izdelek boste predvidoma prejeli

  • Varno nakupovanje

  • Dostava na dom

  • Enostavna vračila

Šifra: wood Kategorije: , ,


If you want more fresh air in a small space, relaxed thoughts and beautiful decoration, this humidifier is the perfect choice. It ensures a pleasant stay and is an enrichment in every room where it is located.


What makes it so unique and special is that it raises steam and changes colors (7 different color modes). It also allows you to turn it off and on with a touch, and it works via a USB port. The colored lighting is not too striking, but creates a pleasant atmosphere, so the humidifier can be switched on even at night.


In addition to perfectly refreshing and moisturizing the air, it also has an aromatherapeutic function. With its pleasant scents, it relaxes your mind and body, eases a difficult day and calms you down. If desired, you can add fragrances or essential oils for a more fragrant room.


The humidifier works very quietly and smoothly, next to it you can fall asleep peacefully and enjoy the silence and pleasantly refreshed air.

It is extremely light and portable, does not take up a lot of space, and fits beautifully in any room. You can also use it as a decoration.


Don’t worry if you forget the humidifier on and leave home. It is designed to automatically shut off when it runs out of water. It is thus safe to use and energy efficient.


We connect it with the help of a USB cable, to a charger from a phone or a computer. Easy to use and functional.


You can choose between dark or light wood color.

Volume: 130 ml
Automatic safety shut-off when the device runs out of water
Size: 15 x 10 cm

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Če z izdelkom niste zadovolnji, nam ga lahko v roku 14 dni od prevzema paketa vrnete oz. zamenjate. Izdelek vrnete v originalni embalaži, za hiter in enostaven odstop pa lahko izpolnite spletni obrazec. Več informacij o menjavi in vračilu blaga najdete tukaj: https://funavocado.si/dostava-in-vracilo/